Tuesday, September 18, 2012

"Mangu con Salami."

My specialty is just overall FOOD. But, since I have a more close relation with Dominican Republic. Let's start by there. Dominican Republic is where I'm from. In this country, you will find many different cultural festive music, food, clothes, etc. I’ll be talking about their food. Dominicans like to invent many different types of dishes, we are very known for that. We put crazy names on them, delicious seasonings & just make it taste great! As you guys should know, we Dominicans eat a lot! Like a lot! But enough chitter chatter… Let's start with a very popular dish invented in Dominican Republic. It’s called “mangu con salami” (if you would like something else, you can also include eggs, bacon, sausage, etc.) this popular dish is not so complicated to create. It’s really simple.

What you will need:
  •      4 green Plantains or more. (a kind of large green banana)
  •      1 cup water 
  •      3 Tbs. of Butter or olive oil
  •      ½ of clean fresh water
  •      Salt to taste
  •      A roll of salami
  •      Tomato sauce
  •      ½ of an onion
  •      Special seasonings (you can also make it if you have your own)
  •      A carton of eggs (additional)
  •      Bag of bacon (additional)
  •      Sausage (additional)

How to do the mangu:

  1.   First, what you will do is get 4, 5, 6, 7… plantains & cut them. Just take of the skin of the plantain. For you could just have the inside of the plantain which is what you’re going to eat.
  2.   Once you do that you divide each plantain into 3 pieces.
  3.  Then you will get a pot, put them in there, add water, A LITTLE BIT OF OIL (one little drop) & add the additional salt you want.
  4.   If, you want to make it right away just put maximum of the temperature that is set out for you on your stove & let it boil for 20 minutes.
  5. When it’s done take it out, put it in a bowl.
  6. Use a masher like the ones you use to mash potatoes to make mashed potatoes & any other food you would like to mash. Mash it good, I don’t leave any lumps if you want it to taste good & soft. 
  7. When you’re done doing that put that aside. Cover it up so it won’t get cold. (Preferably put it in the microwave so it would stay nice & warm.

How to make salami “guisado”:
  1.  First, to make salami “guisado” you need to make a sauce for it. What I would usually do first is put oil in my pot or a pan.
  2.  Next, I will put onions, red bell pepper & a green bell pepper (sliced nice & thin.)
  3.  Add a tbs. of tomato sauce & own special seasonings.
  4.  Have the salami sliced into little strips or into squares & put it in together with the ingredients already included.Stir it, leave it at your medium temperature that you have set out on your stove; it’ll be ready in about 10 to 15 minutes.

I have other ingredients that are included there on the “what you need list” is just there for if you would like to add any other foods. But, the original dish is “mangu con salami.” (Only those 2 things) Hope you guys follow the steps & that everything comes out good! If, you have any questions or comments please comment. I will gladly answer any of your questions. If you would like to add something to what I have said, by all means tell me.

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