Friday, September 28, 2012

"Honduran Baleadas."

Guess what guys?! Were going to make something totally different today. Baleadas! To those that don't know what that is, they are tortillas with mashed beans, with shredded cheese & with eggs or any type of meat. It could either be: beef, chicken, etc. This delicious dish is from HONDURAS! :) Told you guys I would put various dishes ;) I got you guys, I got yaaaaaaaaaa. Got a ghetto moment there for a second. Sorry. back to what I was saying. I will post a video for you guys could watch how you can do it. Trust me, it will be super delicious! In this video, you will notice that the person that's showing you how to make "The Baleada" won't put any eggs nor meat. Just the mashed beans & the shredded cheese. You can make it like that also but if you want to eat it with a little more ingredients then you can add either eggs or any type of meat you would like. I will add the ingredients for you could be up to date to what you will need to make this delicious dish!

What you will need:

  • A tortilla (you can buy it all the store.) 
  • Beans 
  • Seasonings such as; red pepper or green pepper, onions, seasoning Goya & any other. 
  •  Shredded cheese 
  • Eggs (optional) 
  • Meat such as; beef, chicken, etc. (optional) 

As you can see; there's 2 types of "baleadas" one with eggs & the other one is with beef.
(you can use any other type of meat) <---- optional.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

"Fried Chicken" >:O

Today, were going to try something different. This was NOT created in Dominican Republic. It's made by our Black African American folks back then in the 1800s. We’re going to learn how to do FRIED CHICKEN!!! I honestly love fried chicken! Like, I'm totally IN LOVE with it :O I'm not actually going to instruct you how to do it this time. I will post a video from YouTube of how you could make it & you will follow how to make your delicious fried chicken :) NOTICE: This fried chicken is made with buttermilk that you can put for about 6 hours or you could leave it overnight as well. With buttermilk will taste so much better & it will be completely moist & delicious! I hope you guys enjoy it! :) I will add the ingredients though.

What you will need:

  • A whole chicken (you will see on the video how to cut it.)
  • Black Pepper
  • Salt
  • Paprika
  • White pepper
  • Garlic Powder
  • Any other Seasoning
  • Butter Milk
  • Flour

This is how your chicken will look like when its done. Nice & moist & simply DELICIOUS!

Monday, September 24, 2012

"Pastelón" (Dominican Lasagna or Cassarole)

Today, I have another recipe for you guys! This one is also from Dominican Republic. But guys don't worry. I promise, promiseeeee I will include other countries. I'm researching now for other dishes from different cultures. I'm basically posting now what I'm familiar of. Well, this next "sabroso" dish is called "Pastelón" for those that don't know how to speak Spanish; its kind of like a type of lasagna but very different.

What you will need:
  • Sweet Plantains
  • Ground Beef (it can be any other type of meat)
  • Butter or Corn Oil
  • Shredded Cheese
  • Red or Green Bell Pepper
  •  Garlic
  •  Onion
  • Oregano
  •  Any other type of special seasoning
How to do the "Pastelón":

  1. First, of anything you have to season the ground beef (or any other type of meat.) You get a bowl& you put the ground meat in there. You put your special sauces, special seasonings, etc. What I normally use is my normal homemade seasoning (made by me) & then I also add some Goya seasoning powder.
  2. Then I add some little strips of onion & little strips of red or green bell pepper to give it flavor.
  3. Once my ground meat is seasoned I just get a pan. Make sure the stove is on its highest level put the pan there & immediately put the ground meat in the pan.
  4. When it starts to sizzle I add 3 little tiny drops of oil. Let it cook for in between 20-30 minutes.
  5. As soon as you see the color change of the meat from red uncooked to brown & beautifully delicious that’s when you know its ready. Make sure there's completely cook! Then when its cook put it in a bowl & close it with a lid for it could stay nice & warm.

Now to make the sweet plantains.....
  1. For a family size "Pastelón" you need to get 8-10 sweet plantains. To make the sweet plantains the only simple thing you got to do is peel the skin off. Take it completely off!
  2. When it’s skinless just put it in a pot, put a little tiny drop of oil, add clean fresh water & let it boil for about 20-25 minutes. To make sure it’s absolutely done right get a fork, poke it & make its soft enough to mash.
  3. When it’s done put it in a bowl & mashed it with your special masher... Once its mashed put it on a side, put it in a bowl & put a lid for it could stay nice & warm.

Put EVERYTHING together!
  1. Get your tray & for it could not stick spray an 8x10 mold with no-stick baking spray. Put SOME of the sweet plantains in the tray.
  2. Put ALL the ground beef (or any other type of meat that you have prepared.)
  3. Add shredded cheese to cover EVERYTHING.
  4. And last, put not least add the left over sweet mashed plantain in cover everything!
  5. Pre-heat oven at 350 F. Cover the Pastelón with aluminum foil & cook for 25-35 minutes maximum.

Enjoy! :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

"Mangu con Salami."

My specialty is just overall FOOD. But, since I have a more close relation with Dominican Republic. Let's start by there. Dominican Republic is where I'm from. In this country, you will find many different cultural festive music, food, clothes, etc. I’ll be talking about their food. Dominicans like to invent many different types of dishes, we are very known for that. We put crazy names on them, delicious seasonings & just make it taste great! As you guys should know, we Dominicans eat a lot! Like a lot! But enough chitter chatter… Let's start with a very popular dish invented in Dominican Republic. It’s called “mangu con salami” (if you would like something else, you can also include eggs, bacon, sausage, etc.) this popular dish is not so complicated to create. It’s really simple.

What you will need:
  •      4 green Plantains or more. (a kind of large green banana)
  •      1 cup water 
  •      3 Tbs. of Butter or olive oil
  •      ½ of clean fresh water
  •      Salt to taste
  •      A roll of salami
  •      Tomato sauce
  •      ½ of an onion
  •      Special seasonings (you can also make it if you have your own)
  •      A carton of eggs (additional)
  •      Bag of bacon (additional)
  •      Sausage (additional)

How to do the mangu:

  1.   First, what you will do is get 4, 5, 6, 7… plantains & cut them. Just take of the skin of the plantain. For you could just have the inside of the plantain which is what you’re going to eat.
  2.   Once you do that you divide each plantain into 3 pieces.
  3.  Then you will get a pot, put them in there, add water, A LITTLE BIT OF OIL (one little drop) & add the additional salt you want.
  4.   If, you want to make it right away just put maximum of the temperature that is set out for you on your stove & let it boil for 20 minutes.
  5. When it’s done take it out, put it in a bowl.
  6. Use a masher like the ones you use to mash potatoes to make mashed potatoes & any other food you would like to mash. Mash it good, I don’t leave any lumps if you want it to taste good & soft. 
  7. When you’re done doing that put that aside. Cover it up so it won’t get cold. (Preferably put it in the microwave so it would stay nice & warm.

How to make salami “guisado”:
  1.  First, to make salami “guisado” you need to make a sauce for it. What I would usually do first is put oil in my pot or a pan.
  2.  Next, I will put onions, red bell pepper & a green bell pepper (sliced nice & thin.)
  3.  Add a tbs. of tomato sauce & own special seasonings.
  4.  Have the salami sliced into little strips or into squares & put it in together with the ingredients already included.Stir it, leave it at your medium temperature that you have set out on your stove; it’ll be ready in about 10 to 15 minutes.

I have other ingredients that are included there on the “what you need list” is just there for if you would like to add any other foods. But, the original dish is “mangu con salami.” (Only those 2 things) Hope you guys follow the steps & that everything comes out good! If, you have any questions or comments please comment. I will gladly answer any of your questions. If you would like to add something to what I have said, by all means tell me.